Made-to-measure for 420PEOPLE by the reputed Ann Van den Broek in autumn 2014, Phrasing the Pain is a piece for 7 dancers based on an original movement phrase - the pain phrase, used by Van den Broek in her duet I SOLO MENT (2008). Movement springing from the feelings of pain and sadness one feels after losing a loved one, a friend, a parent, a child. Stepping on stage, each of the dancers sets on a path of confronting one's inner emotions - from lust to aggression, from euphoria to apathy. Sorrow is an eye-opener, revealing unexpected forms and perspectives. A compelling choreography, transformative force, rhythm and intense emotions.

The seed of the idea to cooperate with Ann Van den Broek has been planted in the heads of 420PEOPLE on a 2008 Dans Click tour, one to feature Van den Broek's iconic piece Co(te)lette and Kuneš' duet Small Hour.

Phrasing the Pain was awarded the Best Light Design Award at the Czech Dance Platform 2015. 


Ann Van den Broek

Assistants to choreographer:
Cecilia Moisio, Jan Deboom

Zuzana Herényiová, Nikol Šneiderová / Sylva Nečasová, Nataša Novotná, Václav Kuneš, Milan Odstrčil, Vojtěch Rak, Alexandr Volný

Arne van Dongen, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds / Music licensed by OSA

Light design:
Ann Van den Broek, Adam Uzelac

Fabiana Mertová, Pavel Hejný, Michal Hančovský


There are no planned performances. 


Technical rider

The piece was co-produced by 420PEOPLE, Archa Theatre and the Dutch WArd/ward with support from our partners: the City of Prague, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Foundation BNP Paribas, the Czech Centre in the Hague, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Prague, The State Fund for Culture, Fonds Podium Kunsten and the National Theatre in Prague who offered us rehearsal time and space.


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Sum and round (29.9 + 20.5) *
